Founded in 1980, HARLEY-DAVIDSON CLUB FINLAND ry is a Harley-Davidson brand club. The purpose of the club is to maintain and develop enthusiasm for Harley-Davidsons in Finland, and to stay in touch with foreign enthusiasts and organisations. The club has more than 6600 members.
H-DCF organises motorbike gatherings and charity rides, exhibitions and social evenings, as well as raising traffic awareness. There are seven national events every year, as well as many smaller regional events. The biggest annual event is the H-DCF International Rally, i.e. the Harrikka Rally, with about 1000 – 2000 participants from all over Europe.
The membership fee includes the four annual issues of the Harrika magazine and the annual H-DCF calendar. The magazine publishes articles written by the club members, product reviews written for the magazine, and it also includes notifications about topical issues and events in Finland and abroad. In this magazine, you can find out more about various membership benefits and other advantages of being a member.
H-DCF also participates heavily in international activities. The club is a founding member of FH-DCE (Federation of H-D Clubs Europe). This helps to look out for the enthusiasts’ best interests within a broader context, and stay in touch with fellow clubs in Europe.
The club is open to all H-D owners. The club’s operations are based on the members’ volunteer work, financed by membership fees as well as income from exhibitions and events. The club is a non-profit association, all income is used on running it.